Saturday, April 14, 2012

A-Z Challenge: M - Marmite

M is for Marmite

You either love it or hate it. Which one are you? I am mostly a hater. I can occasionally eat it, sparingly, on eggy bread (that's French Toast to all you la-de-dah's). But I have to share this amazing Nut Roast recipe which one of my veggie friends gave me, as the secret ingredient is Marmite.

It seems Nut Roast is a British dish as no-one I've met in America has any idea what it is. So I will give a brief explanation: it is used as a vegetarian alternative in lots of pubs and it normally consists of nuts (*duh*) and breadcrumbs and other ingredients. It is normally shaped like a rectangular loaf of bread, hence sometimes called Nut Loaf. Usually it is dry and boring. Which is why this recipe is so amazing, as it is absolutely delicious. 

It's one of those recipes that everyone loves - meat-eaters and veggies alike. It's yummy. And really easy-peasy to make. You basically just chuck everything into a bowl, mix it up and shove it on the oven. Great one for kids. It always turns out fab. I can't tell you how many people have asked me for the recipe. Try it. You'll thank me afterwards :)

Mushroom Nut Roast Recipe


6oz mixed nuts (anything: hazelnuts (filberts), walnuts, cashews, almonds, not peanuts)

3oz wholemeal breadcrumbs (I use any brown bread I have lying around and just crumble up or put in blender/liquidiser, but sure packet breadcrumbs would work too)

3oz grated cheese (mature Canadian cheddar, if poss)

1 teaspoon of mixed herbs

2 onions – chopped

4-5oz mushrooms – sliced

1 egg – beaten

Vegetable or olive oil

1 teaspoon Marmite (Cost Plus sell it)

4oz vegetable stock


Cook the onions and mushrooms in the oil until soft.

Make up vegetable stock in hot water and melt marmite into it.

Mix stock and all other ingredients together in a bowl and add onions and mushrooms when cooked.

Turn into a cake tin or loaf tin.

Cook at approx 180C for 30 – 40 mins.

I normally add some sesame seeds on the top before/after cooking too.

I serve with baked potatoes and salad, but you could have anything you like.


  1. I'm a hater, because the first time I ever had it aged about 8, my 8 year old friend spread half the jar on my bread. Your mouth doesn't move much with half a jar of marmite in it!

  2. OH OH OH! Marmite! Definitely a lover! I even love Marmite sandwiches, no cheese, no butter, just lovely MARMITE!

  3. I'm a hater, picky eater in me hates it big time..haha

    1. Yeah, it definitely sorts you into one camp or the other doesn't it.

  4. I've never heard of it, but now I'm intrigued to try! I need to try every food at least once. It's the Italian in me ;) hahaha

    1. Never heard of it? Wow. Well - just use very sparingly the first time as it has a really strong flavour.

  5. I feel weird to be classed as a "la-de-dah" for calling it french toast... :P

  6. I love marmite, as long as it is the english version, none of this Kiwi crap they sell here!
    The loaf sounds yum, may have to try it some time

    1. Isn't it called Vegemite over there - didn't know it was different though. Def try the recipe - it is scrummy.

  7. Hey what about Vegemite, it's sooo much better than Marmite. We were always told that Marmite had ground up cow hooves in it! But, I think that was just a wives tale.

    1. Ha ha how funny :) Sometimes it does have that slight tang of bovine ...

  8. lol. Im not a huge fan either but I did Marmite as well! I went to Canada for a year and was craving marmite on toast for some reason. The only thing I could find was the British version. OMG it's not the same thing at all. I dont even know why our version has the same name because it's a different product with a different taste and definatley a different texture!!!! It's the funniest thing ever giving it to clueless North Americans who think it's chocolate though :)

    1. Ha ha - chocolate - ha ha ha making me laugh. I wanted to visit you but couldn't find your blog. If you come back leave me the url to your blog please :)
